Welcome to "Maxs' Natural Therapies"

Our Mission

          It has long been known that stress causes a staggering amount of illness in modern society; with the pandemic this has amplified greatly. People seem more fragmented than ever & the power of touch is ultra important right now along with "Self-care", it's time to strengthen our immunity & re-balance. Using 'Oils' is one of the most natural & profound ways to do this.

Scientists & Doctors know that negative & positive emotions can affect & change the complex chemistry of the body, eg prolonged stress causes the body to over-produce cortisol & adrenaline which are the hormones produced by the adrenal glands.  When this is over produced it leads to long periods of 'Fight or Flight' which may lead to the weakening of the immune system because they reduce the level of "T" helper cells & inhibit the production of natural killer cells.

At "Maxs' Natural Therapies" we work with all aspects of a person, which is precisely why essential oils in a massage oil can be so effective; it works on the emotional & mental as well as the physical; therefore strengthening the treatment as a whole. 

In todays health arena; it's more important than ever to work directly with the bodys' own healing mechanisms using products that are as natural as possible & chemical free wherever possible. This often results in a much higher more potent quality of oil, therefore better effects & less chemical nasties or residues.
Therefore we work with natures' purest essential oils whenever we can & use companies that operate with the same ethos; that is; organically grown plants that are supporting the workers & the soil too. 
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Our Products & Services

As well as Holistic Therapy treatments & 1-1 consultations for parents of Clubfoot infants; we also offer Pre-blended oils for massage at home , these have been extremely popular since Covid as it allows clients to take responsibility for their own health in the comfort of their homes, & they really like that empowered feeling! 

Online courses: Coming in the new year.

Foundation: Introduction to Massage./ L1 Essential Oils & Massage. L2 Advanced Foot massage. Foundation: Massage for Infants & advanced Infant massage.

I coach/skype/ support where necessary. (Please note, pictures taken before Covid.19)

Calming & Soothing Massage Oil

A beautiful relaxing oil, simply wonderful for calming away the stresses of the day. Easy to apply & self massage this oil may help you release fractious energy whilst balancing out tensions, & it can have a positive affect on us emotionally & mentally. 
It has been effective for babies/infants, & some of my clients with Autism, plus those that suffer with anxiety, & anyone who finds it difficult to relax due to too much stress. Hypo-allergenic grapeseed oil base with organic Lavender makes a gentle but profound  blend suitable for virtually anyone.
( Do not be put off by the line...soothe & calm infants..it works on any age!!! New bottles & labels coming soon,)

Muscular & Joint Relief Massage Oil

A HARDWORKING OIL WHICH DOES AS IT SAYS ON THE TIN! A great blend to work on ankles, feet, legs, hands, neck..anywhere you need relief from aching joints, sore muscles, or stiffness. Clients use this for a wide range of ailments including Arthritis & Clubfoot. Good for helping to release tense back & neck muscles also.With Chamomile Roman, Organic Ginger & Organic Lavender in a hypo-allergenic grapeseed base oil, so suitable for all skin types even sensitive & it has lovely moisturising properties too.




I'm a 50 something lady, born with 'Bilateral Talipes'- really unusual back in the day & only surgery to completely fix ankle bones was available to try & rectify it.

I don't often suffer pain unless I walk too far each day, then the fixed ankles put additional pressure on knees, heels & toe joints.

Using Louises' oils on these, now much older joints has been a revelation.The pain lessens really quickly especially around the knees & ankles.

I didn't think anything could help now I' m a little older. Wholeheartedly recommend Louises' oils & massage!


"I love Louises' oils! I use it on my hands & for the pain in my fingers when Arthritis flares up. I put it on in the evening when all jobs done so it stays on. It helps the swelling go down & reduces the pain when used regularly."

Mrs O'Donnely

"Bliss! lovely relaxing treatment. Pain & whole leg /foot movements a lot better, feels different & lighter. THANKYOU!


"I really enjoyed learning the baby massage sessions, very useful, great teacher. It's good for me & my son to have more time bonding; it really helps us both to relax. Thankyou." 


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