As well as Holistic Therapy treatments & 1-1 consultations for parents of Clubfoot infants; we also offer Pre-blended oils for massage at home , these have been extremely popular since Covid as it allows clients to take responsibility for their own health in the comfort of their homes, & they really like that empowered feeling!
Online courses: Coming in the new year.
Foundation: Introduction to Massage./ L1 Essential Oils & Massage. L2 Advanced Foot massage. Foundation: Massage for Infants & advanced Infant massage.
I coach/skype/ support where necessary. (Please note, pictures taken before Covid.19)
I'm a 50 something lady, born with 'Bilateral Talipes'- really unusual back in the day & only surgery to completely fix ankle bones was available to try & rectify it.
I don't often suffer pain unless I walk too far each day, then the fixed ankles put additional pressure on knees, heels & toe joints.
Using Louises' oils on these, now much older joints has been a revelation.The pain lessens really quickly especially around the knees & ankles.
I didn't think anything could help now I' m a little older. Wholeheartedly recommend Louises' oils & massage!
"I love Louises' oils! I use it on my hands & for the pain in my fingers when Arthritis flares up. I put it on in the evening when all jobs done so it stays on. It helps the swelling go down & reduces the pain when used regularly."
Contra-indications & Disclaimer
There are some conditions which may prevent / or have to adapt the Aromatherapy massage due to contra-indications eg: certain heart, blood, recent surgery, or cancer conditions. This is always carefully investigated during consultations & Drs letter & referrals requested if needed.
I am NOT a Doctor, & do not claim to give advice instead of a Doctor & in no way shape or form are any of my products meant to replace medical care. The mission is to bridge the gap & that we work together for the wellbeing of our clients.