Due to the COVID-19 Crisis it has become apparent that less face to face treatments have occurred. However, now that we are back to work; when appointments are made, our clients can rest assured that all necessary precautions & P.P.E is utilised. You can trust that all equipment is sterilised & wiped down before & after treatments. Pre-treatment Covid consultations will take place. Masks, visors, gloves & aprons are all used.
As a conscientious professional therapist I am constantly checking the official websites for guidance & any updates on a frequent regular basis.
(14/10 2020) Latest update: Due to the rise of pandemic hotspots, although not Government forced; industry experts recommend choosing very carefully whether travelling to these areas should be avoided. In the interest of all safety; I am happy to discuss privately about treatments/personal visits etc. Therefore I will be offering more virtually based consultations keeping safety foremost.
Contra-indications & Disclaimer
There are some conditions which may prevent / or have to adapt the Aromatherapy massage due to contra-indications eg: certain heart, blood, recent surgery, or cancer conditions. This is always carefully investigated during consultations & Drs letter & referrals requested if needed.
I am NOT a Doctor, & do not claim to give advice instead of a Doctor & in no way shape or form are any of my products meant to replace medical care. The mission is to bridge the gap & that we work together for the wellbeing of our clients.